Resting Awhile or Stuck
When you read Ecclesiastes chapter three you read the insight that there are seasons for everyth...
Where You Look, You Will Go
There is an illusion that many of us live under, that is that it is possible to do numerous thin...
The Wonderful World of Work
Chores, assignments, projects . . . no matter the age they challenge and grow us. You may not li...
Who Are You?
It’s easy to get caught up in an identity journey. Early on you are identified by your parents an...
Sweet Words
Someone comes over to you, they share their appreciation for something you’ve done recently. That...
The BIG Brag
Sometimes it’s to get into an opponent’s head, and other occasions it is a fragile attempt to bol...
Read with Your Eyes Shut
I know, I know, not everyone likes to read. For some it’s an agonizing struggle, for others is an...
You’re Only This Old Once!
You have often heard, and possibly even said it yourself, “You’re Only Young Once!” You’ve utiliz...
The Prodigal Life
It is interesting to consider this idea, that you can be loved – loved well, loved deeply, be ble...
You Are You!
You are You! It seems almost ridiculous to say it but are you. Foundationally you were you in your m...