Live Generously
When Jesus said he came to give life and give it to the fullest; he was declaring the reality that the most satisfying, purposeful & fulfilling life was through Him! To live generously extends from the heart of God to the life of His Follower. It includes all of your treasures (time, talents, mind and money) and discovering the joy of living generously with what God has entrusted you! At Hope you will be invited to serve, you will be encouraged to give and challenged to become a blessing to those God brings within your circle of influence.

Why We Give
We encourage financial giving for a number of reasons:
1) it is part of surrendering your life to Jesus (where your heart is, there your treasure will be also).
2) Giving aids the relationship with God the Father in discovering his faithfulness.
3) Giving continues to cultivate a heart of gratitude that Jesus is creating.
4) Giving allows the heart to experience a deeper joy of sharing and freedom.
Mailing Address: 8918 W. 21st N Ste 200 #157, Wichita, KS 67205