Where You Look, You Will Go
There is an illusion that many of us live under, that is that it is possible to do numerous thin...
The Wonderful World of Work
Chores, assignments, projects . . . no matter the age they challenge and grow us. You may not li...
You Are You!
You are You! It seems almost ridiculous to say it but are you. Foundationally you were you in your m...
God’s Good Around You
From the beginning of Creation God declared it was good, and when he finished, after he created t...
Trial to Triumph
Difficulty, hardship, and heartache are some of the undesirable common experiences in this life. You...
The Beginnings
There are new things coming at you every year, from medicine, the plant realm, the mechanical ele...
Marriage Masterpiece
I've never felt this way before, willing to change my direction and I can't get you out of my hea...
Sarah - The Doubter God Used
The facts, you actually just want all facts! This is realistic, to desire and discover the myriad of...
Jacob – An Opportunist wrestles with God [The Deceiver God Used]
Is there life after Failure, wrong choices or difficult realities? Does God want me, can he actuall...