The Prodigal Life
It is interesting to consider this idea, that you can be loved – loved well, loved deeply, be blessed in numerous ways and still walk away from it. There is something in our human nature that is easily enticed by the thought and then temptation of ‘better things’ over there. That in some way your heart can still wrestle with a prodigal portion in your life. It’s not always that you rebel and leave what you have (although that may be your struggle) but that you allow a prodigal spirit to reside in your life. It may be evident in how you walk away from an encounter with God lighter and calmer but don’t invite him into your daily routine. It may look like embracing the blessing – feeling wonderful for the answer to your heart’s desire and then turning your back on the blessing giver. Through it all, what you will discover is that Jesus doesn’t love you less during those seasons but that he desires for you live in his loving presence more.