To Serve or be Served

Christmas – it is associated with gift giving and often falls under the shadow of getting but even the foundation of giving is built upon the rock of serving. I realize that we don’t normally think of work as acts of service but that is what it is. An act of service that someone provides a reciprocal monetary gift for. I know, some of you don’t like this line of thought, you desire a purer definition of service, but I argue that maybe your perspective may benefit from this wider consideration. It moves us from a demanding position that is declaring what is owed to a contribution that one has decided to render. During Christmas you know that you appreciate a gift receiver who is grateful for your gift and thus too, the gift of service that enables you to be able share it with them. What a thing to teach and to learn; gift giving being an act of service provided by acts of service that someone else appreciated enough to pay for. Service is tightly tied to surrender, an intentional setting aside of one’s will to enhance/encourage the life of another. This Christmas – give well, serve sweetly and honor Jesus’ who surrendered his position to enter life as a servant. What a gift!