I Am Hope for the Heart!
To us Jesus’ declaration may seem rather subtle but to his audience of Jewish heritage it was astounding. God had a conversation with Moses, upon inviting him to accept a reassignment, Moses asked how the children of Israel would know it was God sending him. Good question. God said, ‘tell them ‘I AM’ sent you. Jesus takes on 7 ‘I AM’ statements that provide an understanding who he is saying he is and clarification on his purpose in your life. This week we are considering his pronouncement that “I AM the Resurrection & The Life”.
Have you ever had a dark night, an impossible situation or walked in a deep valley? Maybe that is your reality right now.
Jesus understands, he can relate. His week before 'Easter' went from celebration to sorrow in a matter of days. And it ended with lies, abandonment, pain and death. The Hope of Easter isn't that Jesus went through this because he loves you, it is that in going through this we witness the power of Jesus over the last stronghold of hell . . . death & the grave!
Come, listen this Sunday, and discover that no matter what you are going through, Jesus is with you. He promises the strength to walk through or to overcome whatever battle is going on in your world right now! And the Hope to bring New Life to you!