Our Gift to Mom!
We all talk about love, and often someone will bring up the phrase ‘Unconditional Love’. The reality of Unconditional Love is intricately woven into the story of Jesus’ Love for humanity. Here on earth, the phrase is sprinkled with romantic intentions and a desire to discover it from another individual. I believe the closes possibility for this to be experienced from another person is from a Mother. Little comes in return for her discomfort, pain, heartache, effort, tears and worry. Then once she holds her baby in her arms she nurtures, feeds, cares for, protects, prays, guides, becomes exhausted, teaches, nurses, and . . . the list goes on.
Now, whether your mom did it well or not; what she most definitely did provide is the gift of day two! No matter how it happened, she provided or allowed for provision for you to have another day! Either way, a celebration of gratitude is a proper response for all a Mother does and goes through for you. Happy Mother’s Day to all those Women who are or who have stepped into fill the role of ‘MOM’!