May 17, 2020 5 Week Journey to a Deeper Faith Failing Forward Speaker Mark McMahon Each day, you have new opportunities to experience . . . the new moment begins with unknown steps an... Scripture: John 21:1-17
May 10, 2020 5 Week Journey to a Deeper Faith Challenge Accepted Speaker Andrew Jansen You have a purpose, a mission in this life . . . and you have an invitation to say Yes to the One wh... Scripture: Matthew 22:36-39, Matthew 28:19-20
May 03, 2020 5 Week Journey to a Deeper Faith FOUNDATIONS Speaker Mark McMahon Different ideas to live by come along regularly, they change like the seasons. Some of those ideas ... Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27
Apr 26, 2020 5 Week Journey to a Deeper Faith Better Together Speaker Mark McMahon The Church is often described as a place but it is so more; it is a where Grace is experienced, Love... Scripture: Matthew 16:15-18, Romans 12:4-6, Colossians 3:16
Apr 18, 2020 5 Week Journey to a Deeper Faith Basis for BOLDNESS! Speaker Mark McMahon There is plenty to make you feel insecure, an overwhelming amount of fear that is being presented . ... Scripture: Luke 24:35-49, John 20:19-29